History,  Life Cycles,  Notes


heartsThis site is a work in progress. You will find quite a few items are still in draft mode.

December, January 2020

Victoria, our home state, experienced catastrophic bushfires in the summer of 2019-2020.  The fires were followed closely by a devastating global pandemic.

2021 – The Good News – Vaccines to the Rescue

Global scientific research and collaboration has produced of a number of successful vaccines.  Large scale Covid-19 vaccination programs are still being rolled out. Our heartfelt thanks to the medical personnel, researchers, scientists, and health care workers who continue to work tirelessly and selflessly to fight this devastating, highly contagious virus.

❤ Wash hands, maintain social distance, wear a mask if possible, be kind. If vaccines are available to you, please get vaccinated. Vaccination will help to keep you safe, your family safe, and your community safe.❤

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The first recorded vaccine was the smallpox vaccine, first administered in the late 1700s.  Since then, vaccines have saved millions of lives across the globe.

Vaccination programs in remote, less populated areas can create unique challenges. The north-west of Australia is remote, sparsely populated, and uniquely challenging.

North-West Australia – The Polio Vaccination Program 1967-1969

Robin Miller beside plane
Nursing Sister Robin Miller leaving on a five week aerial tour of northern WA to administer the Sabin Oral Anti Poliomyelitis Vaccine (c) West Australian Newspapers Limited

The Story of Robin Miller and the North-West Polio Vaccination Program

You can read a summary of the Robin Miller story under History, Heroes and Heroines.  Here is a little introduction to that inspiring story:

Robin Miller, “Sugar Bird Lady” 

Between 1967 and 1969, Robin Miller, young nurse and pilot, flew more than 69,000 kilometres, and dispensed 37,000 doses of Oral Sabin polio vaccine to the inhabitants of some of the remotest corners of Western Australia.

bush clinic
Robin Miller handing out polio vaccine and examining eyes at a bush surgery on Don McLeod’s property West Wodgina Hills in the North-West (tin mine), 1967. (c) Durack family collection of photographs ; SLWA BA2749/​2127 with kind permission Patsy Millett.

This extraordinary accomplishment began in May 1967. In October 1969, just two years after the first vaccination flight, the mission was completed.
A summary of the remarkable story of Robin Miller, “Sugar Bird Lady”, can be read on the History, Heroes and Heroines page.

BeesDon’t forget to look out for the activities.printable activitiesPrintable activities are indicated with a printer icon.


❤ Wash hands, maintain social distance, wear a mask, be kind. If vaccines are available to you, please get vaccinated.   Vaccination will help to keep you safe, your family safe, and your community safe. ❤

If you find something interesting or helpful on this site, you may wish to donate directly to this month’s designated charity, The Garvan Institute of Medical Research.

If you choose to donate, please let us know, so that we can acknowledge your donation. Send an email to  Yvonne at webflight@outlook.com.au

You can remain anonymous if you wish. We will never spam you or share your details without permission.  No money is collected by this site. Activities and stories, whilst subject to copyright, are free. There are no affiliate links.
