Treacle, the Very Clucky Hen

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This is a true story about a special hen called Treacle.

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Treacle the Chook

The Tale of Tale of Treacle, the Very Clucky Hen

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful golden hen. Her name was Treacle.
More than anything in the world, Treacle dreamed of becoming a mother.
Treacle on the nest
Early one Spring morning when the warm, golden sun was just peeping through the tree branches, Treacle marched up the steps to the nesting box in the corner of the hen house. She fluffed out her feathers, rearranged the nest with her beak, and settled down comfortably on her bed of straw. And there she stayed, refusing to budge.
Treacle did not mind whether there were eggs in the nest or not. She just wanted to be a mother. Now and then she made little clucking noises, “Cluck, Cluck, Cluck, Cluck!”

None of the other hens could lay their eggs because Treacle was sitting on the nest. Day after day, Treacle stayed put.
Every morning Treacle’s owner would gently remove her from the nesting box and place her back in the pen. Treacle would listen carefully to the sound of disappearing footsteps before heading straight back to the nest.

Treacle and her ownerlifted out of nest

One morning, Treacle found herself being lifted out of the nest and put into a little cage of her own with her own special food and water. Treacle’s owner wanted her to forget all about being a mother.

Treacle, looking very cross
Treacle bumped crossly at the sides of the wire cage. She bumped and she bumped until at last she was free.
That night, when Treacle’s owner returned, Treacle was back in the nest again. She made little clucky noises. “Cluck, Cluck! Cluck, Cluck!”
Treacle on nestfour eggsFour eggs
Well hidden beneath Treacle’s feathers, keeping warm, were four smooth, creamy coloured eggs.
This time, because she had been so determined, Treacle was allowed to stay on the nest. Three weeks later, four fluffy little chicks hatched out of the eggs. Treacle’s dream had come true at last.

Flour fluffy chicks
Egg shell in nest
End of Treacle Story

Learn more about chickens and their life cycles with videos and activities below.


printNotes and activitiesTreacle, Notes and Printable Activities

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Treacle Printable Activities Cover

VideoTreacle, related Videos. Please Note: these videos have been published by a third party on an external site (YouTube).

Chick Hatching

The Life Cycle of a Chicken

MusicTreacle, related music.

Old MacDonald” from YouTube Audio Library by The Green Orbs

The Farmer In The Dell” from YouTube Audio Library by The Green Orbs.