The True Tale of Charlie the Cicada

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story bookillustration of vector color printer device on isolated backgroundWeb LinksVideoThis is a true and remarkable story about a cicada called Charlie.

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"Green" Grocer cicada on hand

The True Tale of Charlie the Cicada

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Under the soil beneath the treeCharlie has lived in the dark, moist soil below the ground for seven years. There he tunnels from one tree root to another, sucking out the sap from the roots with his straw-like mouthpiece.cicada nymph
Gradually, Charlie has grown bigger and fatter and stronger. Sometimes, when he feels so fat that he might burst, he casts aside his skin.
There, underneath is a brand new skin!Under the soil
It is now Spring, and Charlie can feel the world above the ground calling to him. The earth feels warm and alive.
All around him, worms, ants and other friends scurry about.Cicada SkinCautiously he makes his way upwards, clawing his way with his strong digging legs. Finally he breaks through into the bright sunlight. Charlie continues to climb the rough bark of the tree.
Then he rests and for the very last time, Charlie sheds his skin. Beside him on the bark he leaves a perfect brown, papery replica of himself.Cicada hatching
Slowly his wings begin to unfurl. Charlie can fly! With his brand new wings, Charlie knows that he has just a few short weeks to find a mate. He knows too that he must sing a very special song in order to find her. His song must be clear and loud, but at the same time he must try to blend his song with the deafening chorus that is all around him.

The song seems to swell out from his abdomen as though he has his very own orchestra. It is indeed a very special song.

Charlie pauses to rest. Soon he hears “click, click, click” .
Charlie and KatyIt is Katy, a cicada who has heard his song, and only his song. Charlie has found his mate. Together they fly to a nearby tree.cicada laying eggs
Not long afterwards, Katy prepares to lay her eggs, carefully making a slit in the bark of the tree. Charlie watches closely.
She lays a dozen eggs in the slit, pushing them down gently with her tail before moving along and laying another cluster.egg slitMany weeks pass before the eggs hatch.
The tiny, freshly hatched nymphs float softly to the ground and burrow their way into the soil. They will suck sap from tree roots, and grow bigger and fatter until they burst from their skins.cicada nymph
Finally, in about seven years, nature will once again beckon them to the surface so that they can sing their song.
The cycle begins again.

end of story

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“Learn more about cicadas and their life cycles with videos and activities below.”

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Notes and Printable Activities, please click here to view or close

printNotes and activitiesCharlie the Cicada Notes and Printable Material

Cicada activities
Printable Cicada Activities, .pdf approx. 4Mb

Charlie the Cicada, related videos. Please click here to view or close

Charlie the Cicada Videos Video

 1. The Life Cycle of the Cicada (BBC)

Here on the tree bark is the papery skin that Charlie left behind.

The Cicada Song

Share this song with the ‘grown ups’ in your life!


Cicada Chorus

Charlie has hatched, leaving behind the evidence! Charlie is singing somewhere in the tree tops!


The Murphy Brothers – Cicada Bugs Song. The cicadas in this song appeared only every thirteen years and were used as bait for fishing ! In some countries, cicadas are enjoyed as food.

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Web Links

Great Links

Note: These are external links published by third parties

ABC Science

Australian Museum

Australian Museum Information

musicCicada Song (with music file and notation)

External website by Phyl Lobl – singer, songwriter, teacher

ImagesCicadas Hatching

Adult Cicada Emerging from Nymph Skin

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