The Tale of Alexander the Blue Tongue Lizard

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Blue Tongue Lizard

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leaves and bark, hidden clawSomething wriggled beneath the leaves and bark under the old wattle tree. A small, clawed foot poked its way out, warmed by the spring sunshine. With a sudden wiggle, Alexander crawled out from his blanket of tongue lizardAlexander lifted his head slowly. Out darted his long, blue tongue – once, twice and then again as if he was tasting the air.

Something was stirring inside him.  Alexander knew that he must find his old friend, Bertha.  Finding Bertha was the only thing he could think about.
Alexander clambered into the sunshine and began his search.
alexander in the vegetable garden
Alexander crawled past the vegetable garden on his little silvery legs. On and on he travelled, searching in every corner, tasting the air as he went.alexander_laundry_basket
He crept towards the house. The laundry door was ajar. Alexander squeezed his way in. Perhaps Bertha was in there?

Alexander held his head high as he edged past the kitchen and into the hallway.  Still no sign of Bertha.
Down the hallway he trotted, past the study and into the spare room. Alexander tried hard to be quiet, but the wooden floor was slippery and his toes made little scratching noises as he struggled along.

Suddenly a long shadow fell over him. Alexander was startled to find himself being lifted up into the air. blue tongue lizard credit_500
Two large, strong hands lifted him slowly and gently and carried him outside. Alexander was placed softly and carefully into the garden.
Bertha the blue tongue
Alexander’s heart skipped a little. There was Bertha, waiting for him, just as he had hoped she would be!
Bertha and Alexander crawl away together

alexander_headAlexander lives in our garden. He is very good at hiding. Alexander was hiding in every picture in the story. Did you see him?


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 Videos related to the story of Alexander

The Eastern Blue Tongue Lizard

6 Cool Facts About Blue Tongue Lizards

printable activitiesNotes and Printable Activities

Alexander Activities, click to view

MusicThe Lizard Song

This song is suitable for very young children.