story book

Story Starters

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Stories in Need of an Ending

Have you been searching for a story telling idea? If so, that’s great. We have some story telling ideas, but we cannot think of the endings!

magpie1. The Tale of Maggie the Magpie

This is a variation on a classic story. It needs an ending – can you help? We are sure that you will be able to think of a satisfying end to the story. There might be a few exciting twists and turns along the way however!

Please scroll down to read the story.

maggie the magpiemagpie nest
Maggie the magpie wiped her beak on the tree branch and surveyed her freshly built nest carefully. Yes, it was a nest to be proud of and Maggie knew just what was required for the perfect finishing touch.

Maggie needed to time her next act very carefully.

Magpie on verandahMaggie swooped down to the verandah of the house. She cocked her head to one side and tuned in to the familiar sounds of the morning. There was a clattering of dishes, and a whistling kettle. A burnt toast smell lingered in the air. Somewhere a door slammed and a Labrador tumbled out into the garden.

Maggie landed softly on the wooden ledge outside the bathroom window. The window was open a little and Maggie could see Mrs Baker squeezing the toothpaste onto her toothbrush. Next, she would take her shower.


Maggie readied herself.


Mrs Baker hummed cheerfully as she slipped off her diamond ring and placed it carefully on the ledge below the window. Barefoot, she padded toward the shower.diamond ring

Maggie knew that this was her chance. An accomplished, practised thief, Maggie silently scooped up the wedding ring and flew swiftly off to her nest.

magpie nest

Can you finish the story?

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MusicMusic related to the story of Maggie the Magpie


The Magpie by Gioachino Rossini, 1817.

Listen to the music in the video below. Have your heard it somewhere before? Although the story may not be familiar, the music probably is. This music hails from an opera by Gioachino Rossini. The story deals with a servant girl accused of stealing silverware. In truth, a magpie absconded with the silver for its nest. A young woman was sentenced to death for the bird’s “crime,” a story with which Rossini’s audience would have been familiar. Perhaps you can discover the ending to this dramatic tale?

printPrintable Activities related to the story of Maggie the Magpie


Meet Maggie in the video below!

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